12/6 Swim Practice

Another mid week practice for everyone looking to get a running start for 2018!

WU-200 Fr/100 pull/100 Fr/50 pull


2×75 as 25 kick/50 Fr on rest :20

4×25 Fr descend 1-4 through your kick on rest :15

2×50 as 25 kick/25 Fr on rest :20

4×25 (same as above)

2×25 Kick on rest :20

4×25 (same as above)



{200 as 50 on rest :15/100 on rest :20/50 on rest :15

{100 active recovery on rest :30

**Goal is to get faster each broken 200->last 200 should be maximal effort

300 Fr alternate 50 EZ/25 Fast on rest :30

200 Fr alternate 50 EZ/50 Fast on rest :20

100 Fr alternate 25 EZ/25 Fast