Here is a final posted practice to bring in the new year!
WU-4×100 alt odds Fr, evens pull on rest :15
2x {3×50 pull, lower stroke count each 50 on rest :15
{4×25 Freestyle, soft kick/fast kick by 25 on rest :15
4×100 Fr on rest :20 as 1 fast, 3 long and relaxed
2×50 alt fast/ez by 25 on rest :20
6×75 Fr on rest :20 as 1 fast, 2 long and relaxed
2×50 alt fast/ez by 25 on rest :20
8×50 Fr on rest :15 as 1 fast, 1 long and relaxed
2×50 alt fast/ez by 25 on rest :20
10×25 AFAP holding stroke count on rest :15
2700 + WD