Tri Swim Practice 9/26

WU-4×100 alt Fr and pull on rest :30

2x {2×25 kick on rest :20
{2×25 choice drill on rest :20
{3×75 Fr descend 1-3 on rest :20

Primary (2 rounds)

100 Fr negative split on rest :15

4×25 Fr alternate 12.5 blast and long & controlled on rest :15

2×75 Fr on rest :15-strong 6 beat kick the final 25 of each 75

4×25 Fr alternate 12.5 blast and long & controlled on rest :15

3×50 Fr on rest :15-descend 1-3 to FAST

4×25 Fr alternate 12.5 blast and long & controlled on rest :15

50 EZ on rest :30

2550 + WD