Alternating is the name of the game in today’s practice… WU-150 Fr/50 Pull/100 Fr/50 Pull/50 Fr/50 Pull 6x50s alternate 25 kick (no board)/25 Fr on rest :30 **This is for those who attend our Sunday technical classes at Albany Academy 🙂 Primary 10x50s Fr as: odds-Uptempo on rest :05 (yes that is a 5, and…
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Come Swim with Excel Aquatics!
Spooky Swim Practice 10/31
Happy Halloween! Here is a little trick and treat in today’s swim practice…. WU- 100 Fr on rest :20 200 Pull on rest :20 200 Kick/Swim by 25 on rest :30 100 Fr 3x {4×25 Fr as odd 25s-right arm only; even 25s-left arm only on rest :20 {2×50 Fr on rest :15, descend 1-2…
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Triathlete Swim Practice for 10/24
Today’s swim practice is a little bit different as of late-the first part of practice focuses more on kicking and its application into the whole stroke, while the second part of practice focuses on consistency among repeats in a set. The first part of practice will most likely be slightly more challenging than usual, while…
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Tri Swim Practice 10/17-Let’s pull
Happy 10/17! Today’s primary set is going to revolve around some Freestyle pulling and a lot of speed variant swimming…. WU-300 Fr 8×25 Fr on rest :20 alt 25 drill/25 Fr 50 Fr EZ 6×25 Fr on rest :20 alt 25 kick/25 Fr 50 Fr EZ 4×25 Fr descend 1-4 50 Fr EZ Primary…
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Tri Swim Practice 10/10
Another Wednesday, another swim practice! Enjoy this 80+ degree October day the right way…..with swimming. WU-300 Fr/200 Pull/ 100 Kick 4×75 Fr as 25 kick/50 Fr on rest :20 **Be sure to control your legs throughout each 75 Primary 200 Fr on rest :25-last 50 FAST 150 Fr on rest :20-last 50 FAST 100 Fr…
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Lots of numbers (swim practice)!
Lots of numbers and intervals in today’s practice…..for the primary, be sure to go long and smooth on the pulls, and push the 25s. The incremental rest on the 25s should allow for a greater effort as the rounds continue. WU-400 Fr 4×125 Fr as 50 choice drill + 75 Fr build on rest :20…
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Tri Swim Practice 9/26
WU-4×100 alt Fr and pull on rest :30 2x {2×25 kick on rest :20 {2×25 choice drill on rest :20 {3×75 Fr descend 1-3 on rest :20 Primary (2 rounds) 100 Fr negative split on rest :15 4×25 Fr alternate 12.5 blast and long & controlled on rest :15 2×75 Fr on rest :15-strong 6…
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Triathlete Swim Practice 9/19
Today’s Triathlete swim practice blends some kicking, pulling, swimming, and drilling with some descend work. WU-400 as 200 Fr/100 Pull/100 Fr 4 rounds of 4x25s on rest :20 as 1-12.5 Fast/12.5 EZ 2-12.5 EZ/12.5 Fast 3-EZ 4-FAST Primary 3×50 Fr descend 1-3 on rest :20 3×50 Pull descend 1-3 on rest :20 3×50 Kick/swim by…
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Tri Swim Practice 9/12
Today’s tri swim practice includes alternating intensity levels while focusing on developing some “easy” speed in the primary set! WU-200 Fr/200 Pull 2 rounds: {6×25 alternate kick/drill by 25 on rest :20 {3×50 Fr on rest :20-build each 50 to finish with a strong kick Primary (2 rounds) 300 Fr as 100 EZ (warmup…
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Negative splits and descends
Today’s triathlon swim practice calls for negative splitting and descend swims- WU-200 Fr-100Kick/swim by 25-100 Fr Primary-for this set, be sure to track your descended 50s, and try to replicate your fastest descended pace time for each round 400 Fr negative split as 200/5 seconds rest/200 on rest :30 **For the negative split, make sure…
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