Get in and go practice

Today’s tri swim practice is going to have a limited warmup, with the primary focusing on alternating moderate and fast swims on varying rest…

WU-200 Fr

8×25 Fr as soft kick/fast kick by 25 on rest :20
**Be sure to emphasize the difference between the odd 25s with a soft kick, and even 25s with a strong kick**


6x100s alternate rest :10 and :30
**odds are just make the swim, evens push the pace to fastest average of all 3 on rest 30**
3×150 as kick/pull/swim by 50 on rest :20

Rest 1:00 between rounds

6×75 alternate rest :10 and :30
**Same focus as above, with equal amounts of rest for a shorter distance…don’t hesitate to push the evens!**
2×150 same as above

Rest 1:00 between rounds

6×50 alternate rest :10 and :30
**See above 🙂 **
1×150 same as above

2650 + WD