Swim Practice 3/28-Distance and Pacing

Jumping into Spring, here is a bit more of a ‘distance’ set to prepare everyone for those soon to be longer lake swims…..

WU-50 Fr on rest :20; 100 Fr on rest :15, 150 Fr on rest :10, 200 Fr

2 rounds of:

{6×25 drill on rest :20

{100 Fr perfect stroke on rest :30

**For the 6×25, the drill is choice; do the same drill for all 6 25s per round. Make sure the drill is applicable to a change you have been looking to make, and apply that change in the 100. You may switch drill/focus on the second round**


**For this set, the 200 Fr will be on rest :30, while each subsequent swim swim will be on :20 rest. Here is the goal: after the 200, calculate your base pace per 50 (ie if your time is 3:00, your base pace is :45/50). The challenge is to hold that base pace for each subsequent swim for the round…so using the :45/50 example, the 150s will need to be at 2:15, 100s at 1:30, and 50s at :45. The goal here is to find a rhythm that you can maintain regardless of the distance. Finally, do not be afraid to make adjustments from round to round. If the first round proved to be a bit too easy, don’t hesitate to challenge yourself and try and drop 1-3 seconds per 50.

2 rounds of the following:

1×200 Fr on rest: 30

2×150 Fr on rest :20

3×100 Fr on rest :20

4×50 Fr on rest :20

50 EZ between rounds

3050 + WD