In today’s Tri swim practice, we will be working on controlled pacing in three separate ‘blocks’. The first two blocks will have a short pace segment (50s) sandwiching a slightly longer controlled swim, while the third block will be a basic descend to finish off the practice. In between the blocks are active recoveries.
WU-300 as 50 Fr/25 Kick x4
8x {25 Fr on rest :20-site 3x in this 25 working on look up, then breathe to the side
{50 Fr negative split on rest :20
3×50 on rest: 20 holding the same pace for 1-3
200 Fr on rest :30 long and controlled
3×50 Fr on rest :20 holding the same pace as the first round of 3x50s
200 Fr on rest :30 active recovery (should be slower than the 200 Fr above)
50 Fr on rest :15 (go your average 50 from the sets of 3x50s above)
100 Fr on rest :20 long and controlled
50 Fr on rest :15 (go your average 50 from the sets of 3x50s above)
200 Fr on rest :30 active recovery (same as before)
3×100 Fr on rest :20 descend 1-3
2150 + WD
Be sure while you are training to set both a time and technical goal, while also to remember WHY you are in the water today. Each practice completed is a small step towards a larger goal, and keeping that in mind helps provide motivation and focus 🙂