Tri Swim Practice 9/18

About midway through September, here is another tri swim practice, focusing on ending swims with a bit of speed, along with alternating intensity on repeats.

WU-400 Fr

3 rounds of:
4×25 Fr pull, focusing on head position and staying in line on rest :15
3×50 Fr descend 1-3 on rest :15

300 Fr on rest :20, last 25 uptempo
4×100 alternate as pull and Fr on rest :20 and :10, respectively

200 Fr on rest :20, last 25 uptempo
4×50 alternate pull and Fr on rest :20 and :10, respectively

100 Fr on rest :20, last 25 uptempo
4×25 Fr alternate easy and uptempo on rest :20 and :10, respectively

2450 + WD