Special Edition Belly Flop: Studio Update!



Excel Aquatics Special Edition Belly Flop Newsletter December 21st, 2023
Studio Update Announcement!

Dear Families,

We are very excited to share our most recent update regarding our studio construction progress! The past two weeks have been very productive, with our pool (finally) beginning to take shape. As the construction moves forward, we now are anticipating an opening of early February, with the official date TBD.

In preparation for the opening, we will now be providing weekly updates, both on our social media (Facebook and Instagram), email blasts and our website’s blog. Highlights will include:

1. Studio layout and features

A lot of thought and research was done when designing both the pool and amenities that the space provides. We feel that all of the features will provide a better experience for anyone who participates in our programs, and we look forward to detailing these!

2. Equipment and Pool information

Both the pool and associated equipment are essential for safety, cleanliness, and overall enjoyment of our facility. We have begun working with some of the most recognized brands in the pool industry to ensure that our pool meets and exceeds all expectations!

3. Scheduling updates

With each step of the construction process completed, we will be able to provide a more exact time frame of our opening.

4. Program offerings and structure

Once we know when we will be opening, we will also be able to provide full details on schedules, programs, structures and more!

As always, we appreciate everyone’s support as we continue moving towards our first facility’s official opening!

Have a great holiday season,

Kevin M Kearney
Program Director
Excel Aquatics


Reminder-Download Our Family Portal Phone App Today!

While we are preparing for our studio opening, this is a great time for current and new families to download our mobile app! The app is a more streamlined way for families to access their portal in order to register for classes, pay tuition, and receive last minute schedule changes from the convenience of your phone.