Studio Construction Update: 12/28

We’re thrilled to provide our community with the latest update on the construction progress of the new Excel Aquatics Studio in Colonie, NY. With each passing day, our vision of creating a top-notch swimming facility is becoming a reality, and we’re excited to share some key developments with you.

One significant milestone we’ve achieved is the completion of the pool’s bonding process. Pool bonding is a crucial safety measure that involves connecting all the metal parts and electrical components in and around the pool to the same grounding network. This process helps in preventing electrical shock hazards, ensuring that the pool environment is safe for everyone. The importance of pool bonding cannot be overstated, as it not only complies with safety regulations but also provides peace of mind for all our swimmers and their families.

In addition to the safety measures, we’re also focusing on creating an inviting and enjoyable atmosphere. The pool walls have begun to be painted, marking a significant step in bringing the studio’s aesthetic vision to life. The chosen colors and designs are aimed at creating a welcoming environment that resonates with families and swimmers of all ages. This aspect of the construction is particularly exciting, as it starts to give the studio its unique character and ambiance, which we believe will be a key factor in making Excel Aquatics a preferred destination for swimming enthusiasts.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to make strides in building a state-of-the-art aquatics studio. We’re dedicated to providing a safe, welcoming, and enjoyable swimming environment for our community, and we can’t wait to open our doors to you all!