Practice changing speeds

Here is a practice with a primary set that will force you to ‘change speeds’ not only throughout the set, but also throughout portions of each swim… WU-150 Fr/50 Kick x2 6×75 as 25 pull/50 Fr on rest :20 **slow down your tempo on the pull, and mimic the additional length even after dropping the…
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Broken Descends

WU-200 Fr 4 rounds of: 100 Fr on rest :20 50 kick on rest :30 **Kick may be either with or without a board** 12×25 Fr build the evens on rest :15 Primary (extended broken swim) x4 **The goal of this main set is to maintain the same ‘broken’ 250 time even as your rest…
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Useful and Doable Resolutions

Happy New Year!  By now, we are a few days into 2018, and I know that there are many people out there (myself included) that are working towards their New Year’s resolutions.  The start of the year is a great way to reset the mind, body, and soul.  It is a breather that reminds us…
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January 2018 Bellyflop!

    January 2018 Happy New Year! We would like to wish everyone part of the Excel programs a very Happy New Year! We are very excited about 2018, as we have some new programs and locations in the works….stay tuned to future Monthly Belly Flop Newsletters and social media announcements for more information! Winter…
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Swim Practice for 1/10

In competitive swimming, the principle of descending is used quite often as a tool to teach swimmers how to control their speed, and get faster (ie drop/descend time) on a group of repeats within a set. Particularly for longer sets, it is very tempting to go faster earlier in a swim because you feel ‘good’,…
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First Swim Practice of the New Year

Happy New Year! Here is a practice to kick off the year right- WU-300 Fr 4x {1×50 Kick/Swim by 25 {1×50 Drill/Swim by 25 {1×50 Fr full stroke, descend by round *All 50s are on rest :20 **Make sure the drill is purposeful, and the same each round Primary 2 rounds of the following- 3×100…
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Final (posted) practice of 2017

Here is a final posted practice to bring in the new year! WU-4×100 alt odds Fr, evens pull on rest :15 2x {3×50 pull, lower stroke count each 50 on rest :15 {4×25 Freestyle, soft kick/fast kick by 25 on rest :15 Primary 4×100 Fr on rest :20 as 1 fast, 3 long and relaxed…
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Holiday Gift Ideas for Swimmers

As we near the end of the year, we find ourselves at the holiday season. Now, if you are anything like myself, you are fantastic at procrastinating and scrambling to find a last-minute gift for someone in your life. Well, from one procrastinator to another, here is a list of gift ideas for the swimmer…
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Tri Swim Practice 12/20

WU-3×100 Fr on rest :10 ———————————————————— 2 rounds of : 4×25 Fr as 12.5 underwater recovery/12.5 full Freestyle on rest :20 4×50 Fr pull on rest :20 **Focus on feeling the pressure from the catch on the fingertips down the forearm**   Primary 2 rounds of the following- 1×150 Fr at Red/mile pace on rest…
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Swim practice 12/13

Today’s practice brought to you by WINTER! Its finally here….. WU-200 Fr/200 Pull/100 Kick [500] 4×50 drill/swim by 25 (your choice of drill-make it worthwhile!) on rest :20 2×25 overkick Freestyle on rest :15 3×50 drill/swim by 25 on rest :20 2×25 overkick Freestyle on rest :15 2×50 drill/swim by 25 on rest :20 2×25…
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