12/6 Swim Practice

Another mid week practice for everyone looking to get a running start for 2018! WU-200 Fr/100 pull/100 Fr/50 pull Pre-set 2×75 as 25 kick/50 Fr on rest :20 4×25 Fr descend 1-4 through your kick on rest :15 2×50 as 25 kick/25 Fr on rest :20 4×25 (same as above) 2×25 Kick on rest :20…
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11/29 Tri Swim Practice

Multi-tier main set for today-first a little alternating speed work, followed by some pace work to finish up practice. Enjoy 🙂 WU-200 Fr 2 x {2×100 Fr on Rest :20 (lengthen out, finishing past your hips) { 3×50 Fr Kick/Swim by 25 on Rest :20 Primary (Part I) 3 rounds: 4×25 alt rest :10 and…
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Careers in Swimming

Have you ever thought about using swimming as a part of your future career? Do you find so much passion and intrigue in the sport that you wish you could continue further than just lessons or competitive training? Consider a career in the water. There are so many different choices you could do! There’s the…
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Excel Aquatics Unveils New Redesigned Website

Excel Aquatics is excited to announce the launch of our new website! Since September, we have been working with Mannix Marketing of Glens Falls NY to rebuild our current site, making it easier for families to navigate, improving the layout so everyone can get to know us better, and adding some really cool features. We…
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Thanks-swimming practice

With Thanksgiving tomorrow, here is a practice to help you work that turkey off! WU-200 Fr 3 rounds of: 1×50 kick/Fr by 25 on rest :20 1×50 drill/Fr by 25 on rest :20 1×50 Fr on rest :20 **Keep the drill the same for all 3 rounds and make sure it is applicable to a…
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Math Blaster Practice

Today’s practice involves some clock work and math…always good to break a mental sweat as well as a physical one! WU-200 Fr 4×50 Kick/swim by 25 on rest :30 3×100 Fr as 75 build/5 seconds rest/25 uptempo on rest :20 Primary 500 Fr (400, get time + 100) on rest :20 400 Fr (300, get…
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The importance of water safety

While swimming can be enjoyable and great exercise, it is important to remember that we must be cautious and careful always.  Whether it’s at a pool, ocean or lake, it is important to follow a simple set of rules to stay safe. Here at Excel, we have what we like to call, the Five Major…
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Fast and Effective

Here is a practice focusing on swimming FAST on decreasing repeats…the goal for the primary is to hold the fastest possible pace for the entire round (ie don’t sprint the beginning only to gas out in the end). A good way to control your pacing is both by time and counting your strokes. Enjoy… WU-200 Fr/200…
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Why Winter Swim Lessons are Important

As Halloween comes to an end, we enter the colder and brisker month of November.  Which means packing up all the outdoor toys, moving towards the cozy indoors, and watching the sun go down earlier and earlier.  While all of this may sound sad and bittersweet, it’s all the more reason you should consider swimming…
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First November Practice!

With lots of candy to be eaten from Halloween, here is a practice to make you feel a little less guilty…. WU-300 as 100 Fr/50 pull x2 8×75 Fr on :20 rest as- 2-Freestyle breathing to your less comfortable side the middle 25 of each 75 2-Head up Freestyle watching your hand entry position the…
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