Focused changes practice….

Another Wednesday practice working on focused changes…. WU-4×100 as 50 Fr/50 pull on rest :20 Preset-2 rounds of: 25 Kick on rest :30 50 Fr EZ on rest :20 25 Kick on rest :30 50 Fr moderate on rest :20 25 Kick on rest :30 50 Fr uptempo on rest :20 —————————————————- Primary (2 rounds)…
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What to bring to your first swim lesson!

So, you’ve decided to learn or train with Excel Aquatics, welcome to the family!  If you’re new to the sport of swimming, you may not know what you need for your first session.  That’s why I’m here, to help you out so that you can come into practice ready to swim. First off, of course,…
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KPS Practice

Here is a KPS (kick/pull/swim) practice to help break up the week! WU-400 Fr (every 4th 25 choice drill) Pre-set 3×100 as 75 build/25 uptempo on rest :30 Primary-for this set, the kick is working on keeping a small, steady kick; the pull is long, focusing on finishing past the hips and lengthening/relaxing each stroke;…
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Importance of Swimming

Here at Excel, we strive to do our best to teach people of all ages the basics of swimming.  Whether it be for children, adults, triathletes, and even those looking to swim more competitively.  Swimming is an incredibly versatile skill that everyone should take advantage of learning. Along with being one of the best exercises…
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‘Long Sprint’ (aka Distance) inspired practice

In honor of Coach Dave Salo at USC, here is a variation of one of his ‘Long Spring’ practices! WU 50/100/150/200 on rest :30/:20/:10/- Pre-set (rest :20 after each swim) 50 pull + 2×25 Fr** 50 pull + 2×50 Fr** 50 pull + 2×100 Fr** **Focus on making the second swim faster than the first….this…
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First October Tri Swim Practice!

This is the time of year that swim meets are beginning to get underway, and pre-season for swimming transitions to season. Here is a practice to help that transition 🙂 WU-3×100 Fr on :20 rest 2 rounds of: 4×50 as 25 catchup freestyle/25 whole stroke on rest :15 100 pull on rest :15 **Focus on…
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Tri Practice 9/27

WU-300 as 100 Fr/50 kick x2 Pre-set **For this set, take 15 seconds rest after each swim. The goal is to figure out how to lower your stroke count for the first two rounds based on efficiency, and increase stroke count the last round by increasing tempo and effort level** 25 fr (count strokes) 25…
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Tri Swim Practice 9/22

With the start of our new Tri swim cycle, here is our first weekly practice to help encourage more swimming outside of Excel practices….enjoy! WU-4×100 Fr on rest :20 (1st 25 of each 100 is kick with both hands out front) 3 rounds of: 2×50 Fr pull on rest :15 (finishing past hips) 100 Fr…
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Practice for 8/30

Here is another swim practice for those still training for triathlons coming up over the next couple of weeks… WU-100 fr/100 kick ( no board)/100 free Primary 300 pull on rest :30 (descend by 100) 3x (2×100 @ mile pace on rest :20 + 50 fr ez on rest :30) Rest 1:00 200 pull on…
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Late summer practice #1

With the conclusion of our Summer 2017 Tri swim training, we will be posting some practices for our swimmers to follow in order to continue their improvements leading up to their September/October races. Here is a practice focusing on pace work…..if you do not know what your mile/red pace is, this is the anaerobic threshold…
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