Swim Practice 12/19-active rest and fast pace

Our second to last swim practice of the year! A very brief warm up and fast primary makes for a different challenge in terms of structure and focus WU-400 swim as 150 Fr/50 drill x 2 Primary 3x [150 Fr + 50 EZ on rest :30] **Descend the 150s 1-3. Use the section of the…
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12/12 Tri Swim Practice

Here is a fun play on today’s date for a swim practice… WU-300 Fr 12×25 on rest :15 alternate swim/kick/pull by 25 3×100 Fr as 75 build/25 uptempo on rest :20 Primary 4×100 Fr descend 1-4 on rest :20 **Goal here is to descend by 2 seconds per 100 100 Active Recovery with a purpose…
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December Swim Practice 12/5

First triathlon swim practice of December….enjoy! WU-200 Fr/25 choice drill/150 Fr/25 choice drill/100 Fr/25 choice drill/50 Fr/25 choice drill **Take :10 between swims. Stick with the same drill, and make it APPLICABLE to you! 6×75 as 25 kick/50 Fr negative split on rest :20 **Negative split be engaging your legs the second 25 of the…
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11/28-practicing by definition

According to Google Dictionary: Practice (verb)-perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one’s proficiency Today let’s make sure that the practice is focused on improving two aspects of your swimming. This could be technical, time based, attitude, etc, but set two goals, execute, and enjoy 🙂…
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Thanksgiving Swim Practice 11/21

Have a guilt-free Thanksgiving with this special swim practice on a holiday week! WU-4×100 Fr on rest :30/:20/:10/- focusing on distance per stroke **Count your strokes per 25 and try and stay consistent throughout each of the 4x100s, even with the decreasing rest 6×25 alternating odds-choice drill evens-full stroke Freestyle on rest :20 3×50 Fr…
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Three Announcements!

We have three brief announcements/reminders moving forward into this extended holiday weekend- 1. There are no Excel programs scheduled from 11/20-11/25. We hope that everyone enjoys their time away from the pool, and we look forward to seeing everyone again next week! 2. We will once again be offering our 15/15 referral program! In this…
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Tri Swim 11/14-Winter is here….?

Today’s practice is dedicated to the first (sort of) snow of the year….be sure to get this practice in before the next snow hits tomorrow! WU-50Fr/100Fr/150Fr/200Fr on rest :30/:20/:10/- 3 rounds of: 4×25 Fr on rest :20 as 1-Kick 2-Right arm only 3-Left arm only 4-Full Freestyle   **For these 25s focus on keeping the…
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Tentative Winter 2019 Schedule is available!

On November 19th, registration of our Winter 2019 programs shall open on our website, www.goswimexcel.com. While schedules will be confirmed throughout the week, our tentative schedule per location goes as follows- Learn to Swim Schenectady Weekend at the Sunnyview Wellness Center: Saturdays: 1/5, 1/12, 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, and 2/16 Sundays: 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27,…
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Tri Swim Practice 11/7

Alternating is the name of the game in today’s practice… WU-150 Fr/50 Pull/100 Fr/50 Pull/50 Fr/50 Pull 6x50s alternate 25 kick (no board)/25 Fr on rest :30 **This is for those who attend our Sunday technical classes at Albany Academy 🙂 Primary 10x50s Fr as: odds-Uptempo on rest :05 (yes that is a 5, and…
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Spooky Swim Practice 10/31

Happy Halloween! Here is a little trick and treat in today’s swim practice…. WU- 100 Fr on rest :20 200 Pull on rest :20 200 Kick/Swim by 25 on rest :30 100 Fr 3x {4×25 Fr as odd 25s-right arm only; even 25s-left arm only on rest :20 {2×50 Fr on rest :15, descend 1-2…
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