Swim Practice 4/17

Shorter repeats and descending is the name of the game for this week’s swim practice!

WU-4×100 Fr on :10 rest

8×75 on rest :20 as
1-25 pull/50 Fr
2-25 kick/50 Fr
3-25 drill/50 Fr
4-25 pull/50 Fr
**Make sure the drill is relevant to your swimming!

**Rest 20,go through 2 rounds

4×25 as 12.5 BLAST/12.5 EZ
3×50 Fr descend 1-3

4×25 as 12.5 EZ/12.5 BLAST
2×50 Fr descend 1-2

4×25 as alternate 25 FAST/25 EZ
1×50 Fr hit descended time

100 EZ between rounds