With the year winding down, be sure to stay consistent with your swim training! Consistency is key when it comes…
We have three brief announcements/reminders moving forward into this extended holiday weekend- 1. There are no Excel programs scheduled from…
In today's Tri swim practice, we will be working on controlled pacing in three separate 'blocks'. The first two blocks…
WU-200 Fr 4 rounds of: 100 Fr on rest :20 50 kick on rest :30 **Kick may be either with…
Here is a final posted practice to bring in the new year! WU-4x100 alt odds Fr, evens pull on rest…
Multi-tier main set for today-first a little alternating speed work, followed by some pace work to finish up practice. Enjoy…
Today's practice involves some clock work and math...always good to break a mental sweat as well as a physical one!…