triathlon swim

Tri Swim Practice 1/16

Here is a swim practice to help get you through the week.... WU-300 as 50 Fr/25 Drill x 4 8x75…

5 years ago

Tri Swim Practice 1/9

Here is a practice blending an emphasis of pull, kick, and full stroke at varying speeds and intensities.... WU-175 Fr/25…

5 years ago

Tri Swim 11/14-Winter is here….?

Today's practice is dedicated to the first (sort of) snow of the sure to get this practice in before…

5 years ago

Tri Swim Practice 9/26

WU-4x100 alt Fr and pull on rest :30 2x {2x25 kick on rest :20 {2x25 choice drill on rest :20…

6 years ago

Negative splits and descends

Today's triathlon swim practice calls for negative splitting and descend swims- WU-200 Fr-100Kick/swim by 25-100 Fr Primary-for this set, be…

6 years ago

Tri Swim Practice 8/22

With summer winding down and the days inevitably becoming shorter, here is a tri swim practice to brighten your spirits…

6 years ago

Lessons learned from racing

This past Saturday was the Capital District Tri Club's annual Crystal Lake Triathlon. Per usual, it was an awesome event…

6 years ago

Summer Tri Swim Practice 7/11

Today's practice is intended to work on increasing speed while decreasing distance- WU-2x200 as 100 pull/100 Fr swim on rest…

6 years ago

Tri Swim Practice 6/13

Today's practice is fairly simple (a warm up then a primary set) with a little bit of everything. For the…

6 years ago

Build your distance and speed practice, 6/6

In today's practice, we will be focusing on descending, while also increasing the repeat distances swum over the course of…

6 years ago