swim practice

Tri Swim Practice 9/26

WU-4x100 alt Fr and pull on rest :30 2x {2x25 kick on rest :20 {2x25 choice drill on rest :20…

6 years ago

Tri Swim Practice 8/22

With summer winding down and the days inevitably becoming shorter, here is a tri swim practice to brighten your spirits…

6 years ago

Get in and go practice

Today's tri swim practice is going to have a limited warmup, with the primary focusing on alternating moderate and fast…

6 years ago

Summer Tri Swim Practice 7/11

Today's practice is intended to work on increasing speed while decreasing distance- WU-2x200 as 100 pull/100 Fr swim on rest…

6 years ago

Tri Swim Practice 6/20-alternating speed and control

Here is a triathlon swim practice for 6/20 focusing on alternating speed with controlled swims. WU-50 Fr-100 Fr-150 Fr-200 Fr…

6 years ago

Efficiency by tracking stroke count and time

Today's practice focuses on efficiency by tracking both stroke count and time in the primary set. WU-300 as 50 Fr/50…

6 years ago

Swim Practice 4/4

Here is a triathlon swim practice emphasizing building (ie starting a single swim slower and getting faster throughout to the…

6 years ago

4 tips when looking for a swim team

During the Spring months each year, many upper level/pre-competitive swimmers who are a part of the Excel program begin to…

6 years ago

Lucky number 3 swim practice

For the third week in a row, we have a snowy Wednesday coinciding with our swim practice....using this as our…

6 years ago

Swim Practice January 31st-Controllable Progress

Many times in the sport of swimming, it is very easy to get overwhelmed when focusing too much on times…

6 years ago