Second April swim practice of 2019! Who is ready for some 25s....?
Pre-Valentines Day gift for everyone following our swim practices:
It's cold outside, but about to even colder tomorrow. Here is a practice to help warm up your body and…
Here is a swim practice to help get you through the week.... WU-300 as 50 Fr/25 Drill x 4 8x75…
According to Google Dictionary: Practice (verb)-perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or…
WU-4x100 alt Fr and pull on rest :30 2x {2x25 kick on rest :20 {2x25 choice drill on rest :20…
Today's Triathlete swim practice blends some kicking, pulling, swimming, and drilling with some descend work. WU-400 as 200 Fr/100 Pull/100…
Even with questionable weather today, here is a triathlon swim practice to help get you through the day- WU-200 Fr…
Today's practice is intended to work on increasing speed while decreasing distance- WU-2x200 as 100 pull/100 Fr swim on rest…